One of the annoying things about using Gmail (or Google for Hosted Domains) for business email is the way it handles your signatures.
Gmail has always taken and put your signature at very bottom of the email below the conversation, assuming that is where you’ll be writing your reply. I tend to like to reply at the top of the email, so I end up copy/pasting my signature each time. Quite a pain.
Then came Firefox and a Greasemonkey script that does the copy/paste for you. This worked great and all was well…
Then GMail came out with a newer version of their interface and this broke the Greasemonkey script. Back to square one.
It’s been about almost a year now and the script hasn’t been updated.
But – at last! GMail came out with a feature that does it for you! It’s in GMail Labs, and it does exactly what this Greasemonkey script did, but now it’s part of GMail itself – so it works in any browser.
Yay! The little things that make my day 🙂
Finally the GMail geeks caught on!